Brief History of the Rife Machine


Brief History of the Rife Machine

1888 Birth of Royal Raymond Rife.

1920 Rife finished building his first microscope capable of identifying the live microorganisms by staining light.

1929 Rife finishes building second improved microscope.

1931 44 of Americas most prominent medical authorities acknowledge Raymond Rife with a banquet in his honour entitled "The End To All diseases".

1932 Rife identified the B-X virus, which he claimed, caused cancer.

1933 Rife builds his "Universal microscope" - the most powerful to date.

1934 under the supervision of the University of Southern California, Rife's "frequency instrument" is used on 16 cancer patients. 14 of the 16 were cured in the 90 days that the trial lasted, and the remaining 2 were pronounced cured within 60 days after that.

1935, 1936, and 1937 Follow up clinics repeated and verified the results of the 1934 experiment. Other diseases were also successfully treated.

1938 14 more frequency instruments built (all of which were later dismantled or disappeared).

1939 Rife technology suppressed by the AMA. The press, politicians, researchers and medical doctors intimidated to keep away from using or investigating the technology.

1939-1971 Rife slides into alcoholism and depression.

1944 Millbank Johnson M.D. who led the Rife clinic of 1934 and who had refused to be silenced died from "probable poisoning".

1950's John Crane attempts to revive Rife's work: the technology effective but is suppressed again by 1960. 1961 John Crane sent to prison for 10 years, even though 14 patients testified at his trial that they had been cured of various ailments which had not responded to medical treatment.

1987 Interest revives after the publication of the book "The Cancer Cure that Worked" by Barry Lynes pub. Marcus Books 1987-present A number of companies purport to manufacture "Rife machines", actually Rife-Crane pad type devices

Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.

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"Never must the physician say, the disease is incurable. By that admission he denies God,
our Creator; he doubts Nature with her profuseness of hidden powers and mysteries."

Quoted from the last page of the book "THE MEDICAL FOLLIES" printed
in 1925 and written by Morris Fishbein, M.D.
Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association

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