Cancer of the Liver(E.G.Jones, M.D.)Page 209, ff.


This disease is usually found in persons past the middle age. It has been stated by some writers that this form is *secondary* to cancer of the breast. Such has *not* been the case in my experience. Others seem to think it is nearly always a complication of cancer of the stomach. I have not found it so in my experience. During my professional practice I have met with a good many cases of cancer of the liver, but I do not recall *any* case secondary to cancer of the female breast. It may happen now and then as a complication in cancer of the stomach but the cases are few and far between.

Symptoms. The sallow appearance of the face will be noticeable in this disease, also marked emaciation [cachexia, rc], the *weak hurried* pulse of cancer, the pearly tint to the white of the eye, tongue coated a dirty yellow and underneath the coating the *dark red* color of advanced cancer are all indications of this disease. There will be an enlargening of the liver. It may reach below the false ribs, even to the brim of the pelvis. By pressing the fingers down upon the liver it is felt to be irregular and knobby to the hand. [don't do this, rc]. There is pain and fullness in the right hypochondrium [below the lowest rib], the pain is of a *burning boring* nature; the patient will tell you that the jolting of a carriage in riding hurts his side, that he experiences the same trouble in walking. He is constantly *pressing* his hand over the *region* of the liver to *support* it as he walks. I regard this as a pretty reliable symptom of this disease. There is gastric disturbance, symptoms of indigestion and vomiting.

Treatment. For the pain of this disease we may give tincture echinacea -3ss.(half ounce), Aqua -3vi. Mix. Sig. One teaspoonful every hour. When there is perpendicular enlargement of the liver, a dusky hue to the face, constipation, indigestion, strong urinous odor to the urine, Tr.[tincture, rc] chelidonium [Garden Celandine..Chelidonium Majus. A fluid extract of flowering herb is advised by Parke, Davis 1909, cautiously: 1/2 to 1 fluidrachm; rc] is the remedy. Dose, five drops three times a day. If the pulse shows a *weak*, discouraged feeling I like sulph. strychnine[ strychnine sulphate] one-thirtieth grain before each meal and at bedtime. For the symptoms of indi

Page 211
gestion chelone glabra [Balmony] first decimal, three tablets once in three hours will be found useful. As a curative remedy for this diseased condition, we have one remedy which I have found the best, viz.: cholesterinum third decimal. It was used successfully by the noted physician, Dr. Ameke, of Berlin, and that distinguished physician of the homeopathic school--Dr. J Compton Burnett, of London, England, whose success in curing cancer is a matter of record in medical history. The symptoms calling for this remedy are "a tawny skin, emaciation, yellow conjuntiva and enlargement of the liver".

[these links will be helpful in any research you may wish to do on this: rsc]

[to continue Jones:]

When the disease seems to affect the *left* lobe of the liver, that portion that lies between the liver and the pancreas, iodoform third decimal is the remedy. The two remedies, iodoform third decimal and cholestrinum third decimal, may be alternated each once in four hours.

In February, 1891, a man came to consult me for a liver trouble. I made a thorough examination of the liver and found it quite an enlargement of that organ. The surface of the liver felt *nodulated*. He complained of a burning pain in the region of the liver and was obliged to hold his hand over his right side when he walked. His face ad the cancer cachexia, there was a weak rapid pulse, yellow conjunctiva, a dirty yellow tongue. My diagnosis was cancer of the liver. For the vomiting of sour fluid I gave him nux vomica sixth decimal, three tablets once in three hours. To act upon the diseased organ I gave him cholestrinum third decimal, six grains three times a day. A second examination of his liver in a month's time revealed the fact that the size of the organ had been much reduced. The treatment was continued until the liver had resumed its normal size and

Page 212
all his symptoms very much improved for the better. He soon after returned to his business and I am not aware that there has been any trouble with the liver since I treated him.

In June, 1896, a patient came under my treatment who had been the rounds of the doctors but none of them could give a clear diagnosis of his case. He complained of a *boring* pain in the region of the liver. His face had a sallow look and he had a very poor appetite. There were symptoms of indigestion, spitting up his food, much gas in the stomach, and vomiting of sour fluids quite often. I found his liver enlarged, perpendicularly, nearly to the right nipple. My diagnosis was cancer of the liver. I gave him tincture chelidonium, ten drop three times a day, nux vomica second decimal three tablets once in three hours. For the constipation ten tablets of Kali mur [another I don't know, kali is Latin and German for "potash", it may be an East Indian plant? Again, probably known by homeopathic physicians] sixth decimal at bedtime. In a week his condition was improved; he had better digestion, no vomiting, bowels had begun to act more natural. In a month I examined the liver and found it *not* quite so much enlarged; from month to month it seemed to be growing smaller until it had regained its normal size."

End of selection on liver cancer from:

Cancer, Its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment by Eli G. Jones, M.D.
B. Jain Publishers,
55/I, Arjun Nagar,
New Delhi-110016
Sole Selling Agents:
Harjeet and Co.,
(Near Hotel Air Lines)
Rattan Lal Building,
Ram Nagar, New Delhi-110055

Copies of this book are also available by special order from:

Homeopathic Educational Services
2124 Kittredge Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: 510-649-0294


For Contact by mail, send an email with your mail address, and receive a sample Newsletter "SOURCES":

Roger Cathey, Associate

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This Web page was written and made by Roger Cathey, Research Associate of the ROBERT CATHEY RESEARCH SOURCE.
All pages Copyright © 1996 R.S.Cathey, except where specified otherwise.

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Editorial Forward
As I said in the first editorial of this series,(editori1.htm) reviewing the history of any given field illuminates that field in it's present condition. We are pressed by time to pass over many important areas of research; there is also a profit motive in passing over proven methods since by and large herbs cannot be made proprietary.

Why, when so many successes are reported by a physician whose principle practice was treating cancer, did his record not result in a wider investigation and eventual application of the principles he developed? The reader should not assume the following is fault free, or complete in it's scope of recognition of compounds or methods effective in the treatment of cancer. It is for the sake of current research, and the hope that this and a number of other successful researches might find modern re-evaluations that this little abstract is presented. Should the reader decide he or she would like to put any of these methods to practice, it is sincerely hoped that a competent and relevent expert be consulted. Dr. Jones was an "Eclectic" physician. By definition, eclecticism was closely allied to "homeopathy". Dorland's Medical Dictionary from 1906, close to the time of Jone's practice, defined "eclecticism" as:

"A system of medicine which treats diseases by the application of single remedies to known pathological conditions, without reference to nosology [classification of diseases], special attention being given to developing indigenous plant-remedies."
Jones himself has this to say about eclecticism, which because of other elements of interest I will quote this small chapter in toto:

The Eclectic School of Medicine were the pioneers in America in the successful treatment of cancer. The early fathers of that school taught their students that cancer was a blood or constitutional disease and how it could be cured by medicine. If any of our modern Eclectics have any doubt on this subject I can refer them to Newton on "Diseases of the Breast", Hill's "Eclectic Surgery", Buchanan's "Surgery", Jones and Sherwood's "Practice", also to Dr. Wm. Paine's "Practice". The father of the Eclectic School of Medicine, Dr. Wooster Beach, was a firm believer in the curability of cancer; see Beach's "Surgery". Up to the time of his death, Dr. Robert S. Newton of New York City had probably treated more cases of cancer of the breast than any man in this country. In Newton's work on "Diseases of the Female Breast" he says, "In this way by the union of constitutional and local treatment, if the constitutional stamina is good, we shall often, nay if we proceed judiciously, nearly always effect a cure. Nor is this cure temporary as can be demonstrated by cases now in this city I discharged ten or twelve years ago."

Dr. Benjamin L. Hill in his Surgery, says, "The principle I shall present for your adoption has been already fully demonstrated, in the practice of many of our number, and the agents I shall recommend for carrying out that principle have been satisfactorily tried in hundreds of cases. The subjects of many of them are living in our midst to speak for themselves." So much about what the fathers of Eclectic medicine taught about the cure of cancer by medicine. Yet some of our weak-kneed Eclectics tell us "there is no cure for cancer", thus going back on the teaching of the founders of that school and repeating parrot-like after the old school, "It cannot be cured" Shame on them! It was in an Eclectic College where I was taught how to cure cancer. I believed then that this disease could be cured and now after all these many years' experience with thousands of cases of cancer my conviction has only grown stronger. All honor to the fathers of Eclectic Medication who taught us how to cure a disease that carries off so many of our people every year. In 1865, Dr. John Skelton, the father of the Eclectic School of Medicine in England published his work on "Practice". He claimed that cancer was a constitutional disease and taught his students how to cure it by medicine.

The Homeopathic School of Medicine have furnished some able men who won their laurels in the medical treatment of cancer. Dr. Edwin M. Hale, one of the deepest thinkers, one of the most conservative students of materia medica and a man whom all men delight to honor, has left on record many valuable remedies in the cure of cancer. Dr. Richard Hughes, the intellectual giant of the homeopathic school in England has also contributed some useful remedies for cancer. In 1878 Dr. J. Compton Burnett, of London, England, gave to the profession in his book "Tumors of the Breast" a record of 132 cases permanently cured. What Dr. Burnett was doing in England, I began to do in this country. In 1869 I commenced to treat cancer by internal remedies.

These distinguished physicians that I have referred to on both sides of the Atlantic have done their work and it has been well performed. It now remains for us who follow them to take up the work they so nobly started and finish the task, remembering that "what man has done man may do".


Cancer: its causes, symptoms & treatment

Eli G.Jones, M.D.

Before considering the different forms of cancer and their treatment, I want the reader to study very carefully the indications for each remedy mentioned in this chapter, for they are the "working tools" of the successful cancer specialist and the better he understands their definite indications, the more successful he will be in the treatment of cancer.

Phytolacca. In phytolacca we have a remedy of undoubted remedial value in cancer of the breast. It is indicated when the breast is hard and painful and of a purple hue. The breast is "Hard as cheese". This drug may be given in doses of five drops of the tincture once in three hours. In 1869 I formulated a Compound Syrup of Phytolacca that would fulfill many indications and with it cured my first cancer in old people or patients past the middle age. It is different from alterative syrups for it does not take away the patient's appetite (owing to the excess of sugar in the syrup). It keeps the stomach and bowels in a healthy condition, keeps up the appetite and strength. Many a time it has seemed to me to prolong the life of these old patients for the reasons given above. The formula is as follows:

[ed. note: the formulations use the prescription symbols for dram=3; ounces= -3; -lb=pound; pint= O (Latin for Octarius); gallon= Cong. (Latin for Congius)He does not distinguish between fluid ounces (wine measure) and dry weight.]

Rx Fl. Ext. Phytolacca (green root), -3ii.
Fl. Ext. Gentian
Fl. Ext. Dandelion, a.a. -3i.
Simple Syrup q.s. ad. Oi.
Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful after each meal.

The fluid extract of phytolacca must be made from the green root. It is called COMP. SYRUP PHYTOLACCA and will be referred to in other parts of this book.

Strychnine sulphate. In cancer, as I have said before, there is a weak discouraged feeling to the pulse; this is especially well marked in advanced cancer and where the patient has had X-Ray treatment, or one or more surgical operations. These are all a shock to the system and enfeeble the nerve power. This condition of the pulse calls for sulphate strychnine and it should be given in doses of one-thirtieth grain before meals and at bedtime.

Double sulphide. It is one of the essential elements of success in the treatment of cancer to have a good germicide, a remedy that will destroy the germs of cancer and at the same time act as an antiseptic to the stomach and bowels. Dr. William H. Burgess, of East Chattanooga, Tenn., has prepared a combination tablet called "Double Sulphide" that meets all the above conditions. I have used them in hundreds of cases of cancer for six years and regard them as a valuable addition to our remedies for cancer. The formula is as follows:---

Rx Dolomite Lime, 4 parts.
Magnesium Sulphate, 1 part.
Sugar, 1/2 part.

Mix. The indication for this tablet is a coated tongue with red papillae prominent and symptoms of indigestion. In advanced stages of this disease the tablet is especially indicated. Dose, one tablet once an hour for eight hours, then one tablet once in three hours or one after each meal and at bedtime.

Hydrastis canadensis. Hydrastis canadensis is indicated in cancer of the breast when a lancinating pain in the growth is the principle symptom, with a broad indented tongue, flatulence, constipation, and distress in the stomache after meals. The best results are obtained with the 3 X dilution. Dose of this preperation: five drops once in three hours.

Kali Mur 3d X. When there is a white fur on the tongue and bunches in the breast that feel quite soft and are very tender so that the tenderness is the prominent symptom, and more especially in recent cases of cancer kali mur 3d X is the remedy needed given in doses of three tablets once in three hours.

Calcarea Flouride 6th X. In cancer of the breast when the tumor is of longer standing and has a hard, knotty feeling to it Calcarea flouride 6th X is indicated. Dose, three tablets once in three hours.

Cancer Drops. The cancer drops should be alternated with the above in doses of ten drops once in three hours. These drops are made by the following formula:

Rx Tr. Phytolacca,
Tr. Thuja,
Tr. Baptisia, a.a. -3i.
Mix. Sig. Ten drops once in three hours.

Baryta Iodide 3d X. In another form of cancer of the breast of much longer growth, or with adenoid form of cancer, the iodide baryta 3d X should be given in doses of three tablets once in three hours. In cases calling for this remedy the cancer is not yet ulcerated, the growth feels hard,, of a stony hardness. In some cases it feels like a hard rubber ball loose in the gland. It may or may not be painful or movable.

Condurango. This much vaunted "specific" for cancer by the regular school in the seventies [1870s] has been long since laid upon the shelf by them because it would not cure all forms of cancer. It has become obsolete like one hundred other so-called "cures" for cancer that the regular school has claimed as a cure for cancer. Nevertheless condurango has its place among our remedial agents for cancer. It is indicated in cancer of the breast when there are ulcers in the corner of the mouth; also in cancer of the breast when thee are cramping pains in the stomach. Use the following prescription:

Rx Tr. Condurango, 3ii.
Aqua, -3vi.
Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful three times a day.
Bellis perennis (English daisy). In recent cases of tumors in the breast (of course I refer to cancerous tumors) when the growth is caused by some injury to the breast as a blow, a bite or a fall, Tr. bellis perennis is the remedy indicated. It should be prescribed in ten drop doses three times a day.

Arsenic. I have never used arsenic locally in the treatment of cancer, but in some cases I have used the Iodide of arsenic, also Fowler's solution for the burning pain in cancer of the stomach, giving three drops once in three hours.

Conium maculatum. This remedy has been tested by me in several cases. It is in cancer of the breast with indurations of stony hardness and stabbing pains, but I have never seen any reason for believing that it will check the growth of the cancer although it does often ease the pain. It should be given in the 3d X dilution. Dose, ten drops once in three hours.

Echinacea. This remedy has no effect upon the growth of cancer but it may be used in the last stage of cancer to ease the pain.

Rx Tr. Echinacea, -3ss.
Aqua, -3vss.
Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful once an hour.

I used over 100 pint bottles of Tr. echinacea in several cases of cancer to test it thoroughly so as to find out if it did have any curative properties. The above statement is the result of my experience.

Corydalis formosa. This agent is regarded by the old writers on eclectic and homeopathic materia medica as one of our best remedies for syphilis, and so I have found it in my practice. I am of the opinion that a remedy that really does have a curative effect upon old syphilitic cases will also have a curative effect upon cancer. This is certainly the case with phytolacca and so it is also with corydalis. The more pronounced the cancer cachexia the stronger the indication for this remedy. Dose, ten drops of the tincture three times a day.

Thuja 30th X. The practice of vaccination by the regular school, the poisoning of the blood of healthy innocent children with their filthy serum is a great cause of the rapid increase of cancer in every country where there is enforced vaccination. It is a blot upon our civilization, a disgrace to the medical profession, using a virus that does not protect the victim from smallpox but has crippled and killed many innocent children.

In some cases of cancer you will find now and then a patient that does not respond to the action of your remedies as fast as they ought. A careful investigation of their previous hisotry will devlop the fact of one or more vaccinations that caused an eruption to come out on the body, and bunches in the neck and breast. This tells the story of vaccinosis, the poisoning of the blood by the filthy vaccine virus. Fortunately we have a remedy indicated in such conditions. It is thuja 30th X. Give it in doses of three grains once a day.

Asterias rubens. When the patient with cancer of the breast is of the lymphatic temperament, flabby with red face and the cancer has a lancinating pain we find asterias rubens indicated. Dose, ten drops of the 3d X dilution once in three hours.

Lachesis. In cancer of the breast when the growth has a purplish appearance, is open and fungoid and bleeds easily, dark decomposed blood,---the pain and suffering in the breast are relieved by the bleeding, lachesis is the indicated remedy. Dose, ten drops of the 6th X dilution in half a glass of water and give a teaspoonful of this mixture every hour.

Kresotum 3d X. In cancer of the uterus when there is awful burning in the pelvis like red hot coals, with a discharge of foul smelling clots, kresotum 6th X is the needed remedy. Dose, give three tablets after each meal and at bedtime.

Acetic acid 1st X. In cancer of the stomach the 1st X dilution of acetic acid is the only remedy we know that will dissolve the cancer cells. It may be given in doses of five drops once in four hours and should be kept constantly applied by means of a compress to the external surface of the stomach.

Galium aparine. In cancer of the tongue galium aparine is the remedy when it has the appearance of scirrhous formation with a nodulated feeling like a boy's marble embedded in the tongue. There is more or less induration of the tongue. Dose, twenty drops of the tincture four times a day. Use a mouth wash of the tincture four times a day. Use a mouth wash of the tincture, diluted one-half with water, once in two hours. Hold it in the mouth against the tongue for several minutes.

Sempervivum tectorum. When the tongue has ulcers, bleeds easily, especially at night, patient complains of much soreness of the tongue with stabbing pains, this remedy should be given. Dose, five drops of the 2d X dilution once in three hours. Apply locally the tincture of sempervivum diluted with two parts of water or as strong as the patient can bear it. This wash should be applied several times a day to the diseased surface.

Sanguinaria nitrate. In cancer of the tongue where we find an ulceration on the side of the tongue we apply nitrate of sanguinaria to the diseased part. Add one grain nitrate sanguinaria to one drachm [sic] of glycerine. Pour out two or three drops of this mixture on a glass plate. Then take a glass rod and dip it in the drops on the plate and apply it to the ulcer after having first cleaned it with cotton. Do this three times a day.

Chimaphila umbellata. In women with quite large breasts with considerable of the gland affected by the cancer yet not ulcerated chimaphila twenty drops three times a day.

Lapis albus. In fibroid tumors with intense burning pains through the part with profuse hemorrhage lapis albus 6th X is the remedy. Dose, three tablets every three hours.

Cholesterinum 3d X. For cancer of the liver, enlargement of the liver, patient complains of burning pain in side, has sallow skin, when he walks, holds his hand on his side, it hurts him so to walk, cholesterinum 3d X is the remedy. Dose, six grains once in four hours.

Iodine. In cancer with rapid emaciation, canine hunger, feels hungry all the time, feels relieved by eating, feels worse in a warm room, you should prescribe tincture iodine 6th X dilution. It is the remedy for cancer of the pancreas.

Silicea 6th X. In superficial cancer or in cancer in the glands where the discharge is thick, yellow, and offensive silicea 6th X is the remedy. Give three tablets three times a day.

Kali sulph. 3d X. In small epithelioma on the face with scabs and a red angry appearance I have given kali sulph. 3d X, three tablets once in three hours, and applied as a salve, of kali sulph. one drachm to the ounce of vaseline, three times a day with good results.

Cerate Phytolacca folium. When you get a case of ulcerated cancer near the eye and there is considerable discharge from the surface and it seems inclined to spread you may apply cerate phytolacca folium, a cerate prepared by Boericke & Tafel, of Philadelphia. Spread it on soft white cloth and apply three times a day. The cerate contains about 20 per cent. of the juice of the leaves mixed with vaseline. It causes no pain, only a drawing sensation. It seems to dissolve off all the diseased surface and heals it up at the same time. The reader should remember that the whole plant (phytolacca) contains about forty per cent. of caustic potash. That is the reason it acts so nicely in such cases. I have made some very fine cures with this remedy and I use about twenty-five pounds of it a year.

Thuja. Thuja is indicated in cauliflower cancer of the uterus, also in cancerous tumors of the rectum, and fungous growths.

Apis mel. Apis is indicated in cancer when the pain is of a burning, stinging character, in cancer of the breast with induration.

Belladonna. Belladona is indicated in cancerous tumors of the breast when the pain is worse from lying down.

Arsenic iodide. Iodide of arsenic is indicated when the glands in the axillae are swollen, hard, size of a hens egg, exuding a fluid that forms a brown crust. The tumor in the breast is indurated, painful and sensitive, sore to the touch.

Nitric acid. Nitric acid is indicated in painful swellings of the submaxillary glands of a scirrhous nature.


Cancer, Its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment, by Eli G. Jones, M.D.
B. Jain Publishers,
55/I, Arjun Nagar,
New Delhi-110016
Sole Selling Agents:
Harjeet and Co.,
(Near Hotel Air Lines)
Rattan Lal Building,
Ram Nagar, New Delhi-110055

Copies of this book are also available by special order from:

Homeopathic Educational Services
2124 Kittredge Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: 510-649-0294

Another section of Dr. Jones' book can be found at:
Here he discusses cholesterinum in the treatment of what he diagnoses as liver cancer.


For Contact by mail, send an email with your mail address, and receive a sample Newsletter "SOURCES":

Roger Cathey, Associate

(Current Document Location:

This Web page was written and made by Roger Cathey, Research Associate of the ROBERT CATHEY RESEARCH SOURCE.
All pages Copyright © 1996 R.S.Cathey, except where specified otherwise.

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