Royal Rife Machines
Rife Frequencies

Royal Rife Frequency Machines Directory

Rife Machines

Shattering Tumors with resonant frequencies:?

Royal Rife

“Well I have lived my life for the benefit of humanity, and it is the end result of the accomplishment.”


Royal Raymond Rife: broken legally, mentally, financially. Slid into alcoholism & depression after 1939 trial. Equipment rendered unusable by components mysteriously "disappearing". Died in ignominy in 1971 from alcohol/valium overdose.

Dr Millbank Johnson: refused to be silenced over success of Rife treatment - died of poisoning in 1944 just as he was planning to call a press conference announcing the spectacular results of the Rife generator.

Dr James Couche: refused to be intimidated, silenced or stop treating using Rife generator - struck off.

Dr Raymond Seidel: published favourable paper on Rife in influential Smithsonian report 1945. Following this he was the victim of an assassination attempt after which he never spoke publicly of Rife again.

Dr's Cooperson & Clayton: Equipment and lab notes confiscated by US government. Both died in 1940 officially from committing suicide. Pathological reports showed they had actually been poisoned

Professor I. Kendall, Professor I. Rosenow (prominent bacteriologists who verified Rife's theories): Accused of being liars and charlatans by their peers

John Crane: (tried to revive Rife's work in the 1950-60's): sentenced to 10 years in prison (and served 3). On release continued his work but was still subjected to harassment, legal threats and obstructionism.

J.C. Burnett: His "electronic medicine research lab" was burnt to the ground while he was visiting Rife in 1939, just before the Rife technology itself was attacked

The AMA: aggressively opposed the technology only after its chairman's attempt to buy the rights to it was rejected (what a coincidence!)

Morris Fishbein, AMA Enemy of American Health

Dr. Morris Fishbein (1889-1976) originally studied to be a clown. Realizing he could make more money as a doctor, he entered medical school (where he failed anatomy), then barely graduated. He never treated a patient in his life.

Why is he so important? Because he became head of the AMA, a position that he used to enrich himself and crush legitimate therapies out of existence. He appeared to be motivated solely by money and power.
by Bob Wallace
More on Morris Fishbein

The Royal Rife machine Story

In a two-part article written by Newall Jones of the San Diego Evening Tribune (May 6 & 11), Royal Rife said, ‘We do not wish at this time to claim that we have "cured" cancer, or any other disease, for that matter. But we can say that these waves, or this ray, as the frequencies might be called, have been shown to possess the power of devitalizing disease organisms, of "killing" them, when tuned to an exact wave length, or frequency, for each organism. This applies to the organisms both in their free state and, with certain exceptions, when they are in living tissues.’"

" He had the backing in his day - this was in the 1930’s - of such eminent people as Kendall, a professor of pathology at Northwestern University and Millbank Johnson, M.D., who was on his board, along with many other medical men, when he began to treat people with this new ‘ray emitter.’… There were articles written on the Rife technique… in the Journal for the Medical Society of California and other medical journals. Suddenly, Rife came under the narrow eye of Morris Fishbein of the AMA and things began to happen very quickly. Rife was put on trial for having invented a ‘phony’ medical cure.

Are Some cancers caused by viruses?

Arthur Isaac Kendall

Discovering the First Cancer-Causing Virus
In 1911 Peyton Rous (1879-1970) made the startling discovery that a virus could cause cancer

On June 14, 1958 Royal R Rife stated We have proven definitely that cancer is a virus or the filterable form and pathogenic portion of chemical constituents that produces the disease. In 3 out of 10 cases we can produce the disease or the symptoms of the disease without any bacteria. I have a large slide file containing approximately 20,000 cancer tissue slides. They do not amount to much as far as the virus of cancer is concerned. They show something, but they did not show the virus of cancer to me. Later I found the virus after designing and building five highly specialized virus microscopes.  Royal R. Rife

In humans, the first tumor viruses were discovered by science in the 1960s and 1970s

Has Science caught up with geniuses ?

Science has found about a fifth of all human cancers worldwide are caused by bacteria parasites and Viruses. In 15% of cancers, seven different viruses have been linked to human oncogenesis: Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B virus, human papillomavirus, human T-cell lymphotropic virus, hepatitis C virus, Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus, and Merkel cell polyomavirus.

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
Kaposi Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus (KSHV)
Merkel Cell Polyomavirus (MCV)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1, or HIV)
Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1)
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)

Rife Frequencies


Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege

Anthony Holland: Associate Professor, Director of Music Technology, Skidmore College. DMA, MM, MM, BM; President: Novobiotronics Inc. [a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable and educational company]. Discovered the ability of Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) to destroy cancer cells and MRSA in laboratory experiments.

Expert in custom digital electronic signal design, synthesis and analysis for biological effects. Member: Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS), European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA). Postdoctoral work: Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Stanford University. Advanced Digital Synthesis and Analysis studies with: Max Mathews (the ' Father of Computer Music'), John Chowning (founding Director of CCRMA, Electronic Composer and Inventor (famed FM Synthesis Patent); Jean-Claude Risset (Electronic Composer and founding Director of the Digital Synthesis Division of the internationally renowned IRCAM center, Paris, France); John Pierce: former Director of Sound Division: Bell Laboratories.


"In 1920 Royal Rife first identified the human cancer virus using the world’s most powerful microscope. After identifying and isolating the virus, he decided to culture it on salted pork. At the time this was a very good method for culturing a virus.

He then took the culture and injected it into 400 rats which as you might expect, created cancer in all 400 rats very quickly. The next step for Rife is where things took an interesting turn. He later found a frequency of electromagnetic energy that would cause the cancer virus to diminish completely when entered into the energy field. The great discovery led Rife to create a device that could be tuned to output the frequency that would destroy the cancer. "Source

Click here to gain an Understanding of Rife machines

Royal Rife was a researcher who studied the effect of frequencies on viruses and bacteria. By using the principle that every molecule vibrates at a unique frequency, Rife discovered that when applying frequency (like the singer smashing the wine glass)at which a microbe resonates, it disintegrates from structural stresses. Through his research, he was able to discover Rife Frequencies. Rife Frequencies are the mortal oscillatory rates for many viruses. Rife designed a frequency generating device named the Rife Machine based on his observations on frequencies and harmonics.

Royal Rife Frequency kills Paramecium

This page contains some personal accounts of medical doctors who used Dr. Rife's machine on their patients.

"Dr Milbank Johnson, MD, was born in 1871. In the early 1930s Johnson became interested in the "Universal Microscope", and later the "Rife Ray" machine, both invented by Royal Rife of San Diego. Studies done at Northwestern Medical School by Edward Rosenow, MD, were published showing the effectiveness of the Rife Microscope over conventional light microscopes. Later, a culture medium invented by Arthur I. Kendall, Ph.D. of Northwestern Medical School (and a Dean of the school years earlier) was found to be effective for culturing cancer cells for microscopic study. In 1933 Johnson became interested in the success of the Rife Ray machine, a radio transmitter driving a plasma lamp device, in disabling or killing a number of bacterial organisms, as well as what appeared to be a form of cancer cell. Johnson's first wife had died of cancer in 1920, and in 1934, two years before his retirement, and using on the "Rife Ray" machines, he setup and ran what has become known as the "1934 Cancer Clinic" at a Scripps facility in La Jolla, Calif. near San Diego."

"I can assure you that no one, not even myself, could help but be astounded at the results we are now obtaining with the assistance of our new machines and our new band of MOR's.(Mortal oscillatory rate)" (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936."

"Johnson set up two more clinics, the first in Los Angeles in 1935 focussing on various diseases, and the last in 1936-37 in Altadena, California, at the Scripps Home for the Aged. This clinic was focussed on treatment for cataracts, and Dr. Johnson writes that the results were excellent, with total restoration of vision in 29 out of 30 patients. Johnson quarreled with Royal Rife in 1938 (Johnson had gotten USC to offer Royal Rife an honorary Doctorate in 1935 or 1936, which Rife refused to have anything to do with) and by 1938 dropped his interest in Rife, although he stayed very active in the National and the California Taxpayer's Associations. He died of an apparent heart attack in 1944, but it was later discovered that he had been fatally poisoned. He died hours before a press conference where he was to announce to the world that Rife’s electronic therapy had cured every patient (16 out of 16) in that medical study supervised by the University of Southern California. First thought to be accidental death, the poison was discovered years later by federal investigators when Dr. Johnson’s body was exhumed" Source

Can a Rife Machine Help?
Enter in a problem/illness see if there is a known frequency

"Dr. Johnson and Philip Hoyland were looking for the frequencies for two organisms which were connected to cancer. In order for them to find these frequencies it was necessary for them to sweep the dial of the instrument through the various frequencies. They made the modifications to the Clinical instrument so that this new band of frequencies would be included in it. They also found that this instrument could not be used in the laboratory because every time they used it they would kill all the microorganisms in the laboratory."

"Dr. Johnson: "My dear Dr. Schram…the clinic was opened and run by me to satisfy me personally whether the Rife Ray would destroy pathogenic organisms in vivo as well as in vitro. The latter we had repeatedly demonstrated in the laboratory. I had to have this information conclusively positive before I could recommend to my friends to get in behind the work to carry it on to a logical conclusion."

Mainstream Science Validates Rife and Hulda Clark

"None of Dr. Rife's previous instruments ever had the capability that this new Rife-Hoyland instrument had. Even though this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument was useless in the laboratory for finding individual frequencies for organisms, it was ideal for using clinically. Dr. Johnson pointed this fact out in his letter. "The major difference between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument and Dr. Rife’s previous instruments is the fact that this new instrument could produce over one hundred harmonic side bands simultaneously. It was this new harmonic sideband capability in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument which makes this sweep we are discussing on this page possible."

"However, our experience has forced us to do all of our experimenting with the new ray [Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument] completely outside of our laboratory building or abandon all form of bacteriological experiments, because it instantly kills them all.” (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936. Page 1, Page 2).

Dr. Johnson clearly points out in this letter that this was done with a new [Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument]. Dr. Johnson had been using the Rife Ray #4 since the fall of 1935 on his patients but here he points out that they were using a new Rife Ray machine and that it was clinically more effective than the machine he had been using up until this time. In the Beam Ray Trial documents Philip Hoyland stated that he had built a new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument in the summer of 1936: (Beam Ray Trial Transcript #956)" Source Rife videos .com"

"We will now explain the significance of 3.30 MHz (Megahertz) sweep and how it can be used to produce all of Dr. Rife’s frequencies, both known and unknown. Not only can it be used to produce Dr. Rife’s frequencies, both known and unknown, but this sweep can produce the frequencies for many organisms that we do not have the frequencies for. This makes this sweep very advantageous to use. Almost all of Dr. Rife’s frequencies that he found which would devitalize the various micro-organisms ranged from 139,200 Hertz to 1,607,450 Hertz. Philip Hoyland found with his Clinical instrument that he could cover this entire frequency range using a fixed 3.30 Megahertz (MHz) carrier frequency modulated (combined) with audio frequencies. Through the use of these audio frequencies which were modulated onto this 3.30 MHz carrier frequency, high frequency harmonic sidebands were created. "

"Philip Hoyland was able to produce all of Dr. Rife's frequencies, through harmonic sideband frequencies, using these audio frequencies because he found that Dr. Rife was correct when he said that many of his frequencies were harmonics (actually Dr. Rife meant sub-harmonics of higher frequencies). When Philip Hoyland tested this concept out in the laboratory in the summer of 1936 with Dr. Milbank Johnson, M.D., he found that Dr. Rife was correct that his frequencies were sub-harmonics of higher frequencies. What Philip Hoyland did was verify and prove that every harmonic of Dr. Rife’s frequencies can be used to devitalize the organisms "

Oscillating pulsed electric field is literally shattering targeted cancer cells like crystal glass

Using Plasma type tubes

Another thing that should be kept in mind is the fact that Dr. Rife found that X-Ray can cause cancer to become virulent or very aggressive. This fact has been proven over the many years that radiation therapy has been used. Dr. Rife, on the Marsh Rife audio CD’s, talks about how X-Ray creates a resonance in the cancer cell which makes it more difficult for the frequencies to work. John Marsh in one of his papers gives us more information about what Dr. Rife found regarding X-Ray:

We only use Pulsed Magnetic fields and Direct body contact like Hand held or tens pads to get the frequencies into the body...


Dr. Rife found 54 frequencies for many organism. We only have 18 of these 54 frequencies because the rest were lost. We may not know what those frequencies are but if this sweep is used every one of these organism's frequencies could be hit during this sweep. Besides these 54 frequencies there are many organism's which we do not know the frequencies for that may be in this same frequency range. If this sweep is done over a period of many hours starting with 1 Hertz and going to 40,000 Hertz it would be on an organism’s window of vulnerability for about three minutes. Because the Clinical instrument can produce nearly one hundred harmonic sidebands it could hit each organism’s frequency over 20 times during this sweep.


Dr Livingston-wheeler

From 1968 to 1983, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler treated approximately 10,000 patients with the Rife Frequency Instrument, at her University of Southern California clinic, with an 80% success rate. In 1972, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler published Cancer: A New Breakthrough in which she “condemned the National Cancer Institute for its misuse of money [$500 million in 13 years], the corrupt handling of public health responsibilities, and its use of people [100,000 cancer patients] as guinea pigs for a ‘surgery-radiation-chemotherapy’ program dictated by special interests.” Her last book on The Conquest of Cancer was published in 1984 in which she celebrates the European acceptance of the Rife discoveries but complains about the situation in the U.S.

Cure for ALL VIRUSES Dr Royal Rife In His Own Words

"Up to this point we have talked about how to use this sweep using a 3.30 MHz carrier frequency. We will now explain in more detail why we can use the same type of sweep using other carrier frequencies. We know that Philip Hoyland used two different carrier frequencies. These were 3.30 MHz and 3.80 MHz. Because we now know how this instrument worked we can use the mathematical calculations to show that 3.10 MHz (3,100,000 Hertz) is actually a better carrier frequency to use with this sweep. This is because 3.10 MHz makes it so the harmonic sideband frequencies are closer to the frequencies that devitalize the organisms. In simple terms at 3.10 MHz there is more power in the sidebands that hit the frequencies which devitalize the organisms. In reality the more power the better they should work"

DR. JOHNSON: “I can assure you that no one, not even myself, could help but be astounded at the results we are now obtaining with the assistance of our new machines and our new band of MOR’s.” (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936. Page 1, Page 2). Source Rife videos .com

DR. JOHNSON: “We are having a great time out here. I have opened a clinic in the Pasadena Home for the Aged and am having excellent luck. Of course, what I am trying to do is to experiment with the effect of the Rife Ray on bacteria in vivo. Our laboratory work has demonstrated pretty conclusively what it will do in vitro. The clinic is held three mornings a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Yesterday I had eighteen patients. Among them were two cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, three cases of carcinoma, two cases of old chronic varicose ulcers of the leg, and sundry other cases of more or less definite infectious origins…I certainly wish that you were here to work with me because I am afraid that even you, who know what we are trying to do, will not believe some of the yarns that I would have to tell you as to what is occurring in the clinic without actually seeing them for yourself.”(Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936. Page 1, Page 2). Source

Introducing our latest Hoyland type ADD on for your RifePro Rife Machine

"Dr. Johnson and Philip Hoyland were looking for the frequencies for two organisms which were connected to cancer. In order for them to find these frequencies it was necessary for them to sweep the dial of the instrument through the various frequencies. They made the modifications to the Clinical instrument so that this new band of frequencies would be included in it. They also found that this instrument could not be used in the laboratory because every time they used it they would kill all the microorganisms in the laboratory."


"Dr. Johnson: "My dear Dr. Schram…the clinic was opened aand run by me to satisfy me personally whether the Rife Ray would destroy pathogenic organisms in vivo as well as in vitro. The latter we had repeatedly demonstrated in the laboratory. I had to have this information conclusively positive before I could recommend to my friends to get in behind the work to carry it on to a logical conclusion."

"None of Dr. Rife's previous instruments ever had the capability that this instrument had.. Dr. Johnson pointed this fact out in his letter. "The major difference between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument and Dr. Rife’s previous instruments is the fact that this new instrument could produce over one hundred harmonic side bands simultaneously. It was this new harmonic sideband capability in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument which makes this sweep we are discussing on this page possible."

"However, our experience has forced us to do all of our experimenting with the new ray [Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument] completely outside of our laboratory building or abandon all form of bacteriological experiments, because it instantly kills them all.” (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936. Page 1, Page 2).

Dr. Johnson clearly points out in this letter that this was done with a new [Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument]. Dr. Johnson had been using the Rife Ray #4 since the fall of 1935 on his patients but here he points out that they were using a new Rife Ray machine and that it was clinically more effective than the machine he had been using up until this time. In the Beam Ray Trial documents Philip Hoyland stated that he had built a new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument in the summer of 1936: (Beam Ray Trial Transcript #956)" Source Rife videos .com"

Understanding Rife

Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.

Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer: Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic approach


Cancer-related frequencies appear to be tumor-specific and treatment with tumor-specific frequencies is feasible, well tolerated and may have biological efficacy in patients with advanced cancer.


Rife Pro Rife Machine With the Rife-Hoyland system included
The most Advanced Rife System in the world
Read more here

In 1953, Rife published his cancer report in book form, History of the Development of a Successful Treatment for Cancer and Other Virus, Bacteria and Fungi.[12] A turning point occurred in 1958, when the State of California Public Health Department conducted a hearing which ordered the testing of Rife’s Frequency Instrument. The Palo Alto Detection Lab, the Kalbfeld Lab, the UCLA Medical Lab, and the San Diego Testing Lab all participated in the evaluation procedure. "All reported that it was safe to use. But still, the AMA Board, under Dr. Malcolm Merrill, the Director of Public Health, declared it unsafe and banned it from the market."

John Crane

In 1950, John Crane was working for the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation (Convair) in San Diego. Crane met Royal Rife when Crane was trying to buy a very high quality draughting set from Royal Rife. During their discussions, Rife told Crane about the microscopes that he had built and about the Rife Ray instrument and that the device had been used to cure cancer and other illneses.
During that same year, John Marsh became Crane’s supervisor at Convair when Marsh moved from Tucson, Arizona to San Diego, California. Marsh’s wife had developed cancer of the uterus and the doctors in Tucson recommended that she be taken to San Diego for specialised treatment. Marsh told Crane about his wife's illness and so Crane took Marsh to meet Royal Rife. Apparently Rife was initially reluctant to get involved, but Marsh pleaded with Royal Rife for his assistance to help cure his wife's illness. Eventually Royal Rife agreed to help and he gave Marsh an old broken Beam Ray instrument that had been stored away in the basement of his house.

Royal Rife told Marsh that Verne Thompson, who was working with the San Diego Police Department as a radio engineer, had previously done some electronic work for him. In fact Thompson had worked on Dr. Yale’s Beam Ray instruments and apparently knew those instruments inside and out. Marsh asked Thompson to repair the instrument that Rife gave them. Marsh then treated his wife with the instrument and after several treatments Marsh said that his wife's pain had disappeared and that she got well.

Marsh and Crane were so impressed with the miraculous results achieved with the Frequency Instrument that they decided to persuade Royal Rife to work with them to build Frequency Instruments and get them into doctor’s hands to help people who were suffering from incurable diseases. Source

"In 1961, after a trial with an AMA doctor as the foreman of the jury, John F. Crane, the new owner of the Rife Virus Microscope Institute, spent three years in jail, ostensibly for using the Frequency Instrument on people, though no specific criminal intent had been proven. In 1965, he attempted to obtain approval from the California Board of Public Health for use of the Frequency Instrument. On November 17, 1965, the Department of Public Health replied that Crane had not shown that the device was safe or ‘effective in use.’

Philip Hoyland


"Dr. Johnson and Philip Hoyland were looking for the frequencies for two organisms which were connected to cancer. In order for them to find these frequencies it was necessary for them to sweep the dial of the instrument through the various frequencies. They made the modifications to the Clinical instrument so that this new band of frequencies would be included in it. They also found that this instrument could not be used in the laboratory because every time they used it they would kill all the microorganisms in the laboratory."

Dr Milbank Johnson

Dr Johnson died in 1944. The suspicion exists that he was silenced...However two federal inspectors did examine his hospital record in the late 1950's. They concluded it was likely that he was poisoned.
Barry Lynes

Letters to Dr Milbank Johnson

"Dr. Johnson: "My dear Dr. Schram…the clinic was opened aand run by me to satisfy me personally whether the Rife Ray would destroy pathogenic organisms in vivo as well as in vitro. The latter we had repeatedly demonstrated in the laboratory. I had to have this information conclusively positive before I could recommend to my friends to get in behind the work to carry it on to a logical conclusion."

"None of Dr. Rife's previous instruments ever had the capability that this instrument had.. Dr. Johnson pointed this fact out in his letter. "The major difference between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument and Dr. Rife’s previous instruments is the fact that this new instrument could produce over one hundred harmonic side bands simultaneously. It was this new harmonic sideband capability in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument which makes this sweep we are discussing on this page possible."

"However, our experience has forced us to do all of our experimenting with the new ray [Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument] completely outside of our laboratory building or abandon all form of bacteriological experiments, because it instantly kills them all.” (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936. Page 1, Page 2).

Dr. Johnson clearly points out in this letter that this was done with a new [Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument]. Dr. Johnson had been using the Rife Ray #4 since the fall of 1935 on his patients but here he points out that they were using a new Rife Ray machine and that it was clinically more effective than the machine he had been using up until this time. In the Beam Ray Trial documents Philip Hoyland stated that he had built a new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument in the summer of 1936: (Beam Ray Trial Transcript #956)" Source Rife videos .com"

" Re Philip Hoylands design "I can assure you that no one, not even myself, could help but be astounded at the results we are now obtaining with the assistance of our new machines and our new band of MOR's.(Mortal oscillatory rate)" (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936."."

Fully Automatic Rife/Hoyland System Read more here


Rife pro optio 2h-7h

"Royal rife developed "Five" Rife machine prototypes ,the fith rife machine(beam ray)was reported to be the most powerful"

""I can assure you that no one, not even myself, could help but be astounded at the results we are now obtaining with the assistance of our new machines and our new band of MOR's.(Mortal oscillatory rate)" (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936."."

"None of Dr. Rife's previous instruments ever had the capability that this instrument had.. Dr. Johnson pointed this fact out in his letter. "The major difference between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument and Dr. Rife’s previous instruments is the fact that this new instrument could produce over one hundred harmonic side bands simultaneously. It was this new harmonic sideband capability in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument which makes this sweep we are discussing on this page possible."

The worlds most advanved multi purpose Fully Automatic Rife/Hoyland System Read more here

Can a Rife Machine Help?
Enter in a problem/ see if there is a known frequency

“Can Rife Frequencies help me are there frequencies for my issues." ..>>>More Here
Rife Machine Frequencies: Alzheimers >>> More Here
Rife Machine Frequencies: Arthritis >>> More Here
Do Rife Frequencies help kill Tumour cells >>> More Here
Rife Machine Frequencies: Breast Tumours>>> More Here
Rife frequency healing Rife machine frequency list >>> More Here
Rife Machine Frequencies: Diabetes >>> More Here
Rife Machine Frequencies: Lyme Dis-ease >>> More Here
Reported Crnavrs Frequencies
Rife Machine Frequencies:Morgellons >>> More Here
Rife Machine Frequencies:Parkisons >>> More Here
Rife Machine Frequencies: Prostate Tumours>>> More Here
Rife Frequency list 2 >>> More here
Homeopathic Bio-Energetic Frequency Chart >>> More Here
Hulda Clarke frequencies >>> More Here
ElectroSpectrum Rife Device Frequency Codes >>> More Here



This timeline relates to the rise of today’s Western/American medical establishment and its prevailing paradigm  The Medical Racket

Dr. Malcolm Merrill

In 1958, in a hearing before the state of California Public Health Department. A Frequency Instrument was provided and tested by the Palo Alto Detection Lab, the Kalbfeld
Lab, the UCLA Medical Lab, and the San Diego Testing Lab.
All reported it was safe to use

Dr. Malcolm Merrill the Pawn in the AMA board ?
Under the title of "Director of Public Health" Dr. Malcolm Merrill
declared the Royal Rife frequency machine unsafe and banned it from the market.





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Royal Rife Archive

After 18 years Discovery that disease organisms, including one occurring in dread cancer, can be killed by bombarding them with radio waves

Just treatment Reasonable, Just, and Fair Medical Treatment Rife aticle An Interview with Royal Rife

Answers to J Cranes questions

Answers to the questions. These were sent back to Cranes Lawyer from Mexico

Lab reports A Discussion on Rife machine Laboratory Research Rife cancer1
A physicists view A Physicist's View of Dr. Rife's Non Drug Treatment and Cure of Microbial Associated Diseases Letter to Milbank Johnson November 25, 1935, Letter to Rife about Ray Tube and cheering up Dr. Walker. etc Rife cover up
Bascilus Royal Rife's Laboratory Research on Bacillus "X" cancer virus . Lyme dis-ease Lyme disease and frequencies, As the Lyme spirochete desperately mutates into different forms in the presence of antibiotics, the Rife Crane
Brief history Brief History of the Rife Machine Made easy Rife information and the rife machines from a non-technical perspective Rife extra healings
Cancer tobacco papers Did they know ? Viruses and Cancer, 1962: What They Knew
Medicine's Goal: Cause and Cure of Cancer. Some Say
Magnetic field therapy Exciting Possibilities in pulsed intence
magnetic field therapy
A physicists view
By Gary Wade
Rife frequencies1
Circulation Rife machine frequencies for circulation
Frequency - The key to effective Treatment
Mayo clinic Proceedings
of the staff meetings of the Mayo Clinic

Published Weekly for the Information of the Members of the Staff and

Rife genius
John Crane The following material was culled from John Crane's voluminous "A Study of
Electron Therapy"
Morris fishbein AMA Enemy of American Health Dr. Morris Fishbein (1889-1976) originally studied to be a clown. Rife interview
Culturization For many years scientists have desired to culture micro-organism in their filterable state Most powrful micro Rife June141958
Diseases treatable Some Microbe Caused Diseases possibly Treatable With Electronic Medicine

Newspaper & Magazine Articles Science news, March 30 1991, pg 207
Shocking Treatment Proposed For AIDS

Rife opp sued
Dread disease Observations Observations on Bacillus Typhosus In its filterable state Rife results
Effect of pulsed magfields Effects of pulsed magnetic fields oscillations in cancer therapy Persecution Persecution of Natural Cancer Therapists. There is widespread suppression of natural cancer therapies,
and persecution of successful therapists.
Rife revolutionary
Effect of high Frequency Effect of High-Frequency Fields on Micro-Organisms Physicists View of Dr. Rifes Non-Drug Treatment and Cure of Microbial Associated Diseases Rife technowlogy
Elec therapy research This report on Electron Therapy is primarily concerned with the detection and cure of cancer and related diseases. It is presented for research only. Planet news Here is Rife's report: &quot;Thefirst clinical work on cancer was completed under the supervision of Milbank
Rife tubes
Healings Extraordinary healings Roy. Rife's pulsed high frequency
Briefly, it is a technique which differs from the previous
Pulsed electric fields This section discusses current knowledge in the application of pulsed electric fields as a method of non-thermal food preservation. Royal rife report
Homeopathic Treatment. For the pain of this disease we may give tincture Research Cancer-Causing RNA Viruses and DNA proviruses Sugar
Incurable disease "Incurable" Disease & Electromedicine Since the beginnings of time, disease has been one of umanity's greatest scourges Reserch on bacilus x Smithsonian
Is cancer contagious Jackie Kennedy's rapid death from "Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" cancer in May I994 shocked and saddened the world. Now officials of the American Cancer Society are hinting that some Resonance treatment suppression

Letter from Dr. Johnson When Dr. Johnson and Philip Hoyland were testing the first proto-type of the Rife Ray #5 or Beam Ray Clinical instrument in the summer of 1936 they had an interesting effect take place.

Royal Rife in The Evening Ttribune Three new and revolutionary conceptions of disease germs and their activities were disclosed today by Royal Raymond Rife, San Diego scientist, as a climax
Rife Accessories

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Multiwave oscillators

Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.

More information click here


Rife pro optio 2h-7h

"Royal rife developed "Five" Rife machine prototypes ,the fith rife machine(beam ray)was reported to be the most powerful"

""I can assure you that no one, not even myself, could help but be astounded at the results we are now obtaining with the assistance of our new machines and our new band of MOR's.(Mortal oscillatory rate)" (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936."."

"None of Dr. Rife's previous instruments ever had the capability that this instrument had.. Dr. Johnson pointed this fact out in his letter. "The major difference between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument and Dr. Rife’s previous instruments is the fact that this new instrument could produce over one hundred harmonic side bands simultaneously. It was this new harmonic sideband capability in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument which makes this sweep we are discussing on this page possible."

The worlds most advanved multi purpose Fully Automatic Rife/Hoyland System Read more here

Can a Rife Machine Help?
Enter in a problem/ see if there is a known frequency



PEMF Pulser combo

Very powerful 6500-7000 gauss magnetic pulser
Bob beck type blood zapper
Colloidal silver generator






RIFE Machines and Rife Frequencies